Thursday, December 30, 2010
school's in ? OMG !
TERRIBLE ME ! haha. i just knew that next monday gonna be school time ! GOSH ! still, i hadn't prepare ANYTHING ! not even one. my shoes are still in the box, my uniforms in the cupboard,my socks still in the packets,pens ? don't ask. i haven't bought one ! pencilcase ? guess recycle. use it back. ahaa. school bag ? the same. save budget babe ! books ? don't even ask me! i don't read any, except novels &comics. well, should i bring those to school ? ;P guess not,unless if i want to get 'slaughtered' by the teacher. Opps ! sorry teacher ! :)
Monday, December 27, 2010
OHH. sudah lama tidak ku update. :)
oh. hai kepada semua. :) salam .
huh. sudah agak lama juga ya tidak ku updatekan blog ini. tak perlu la update selalu. lagipun bukan org baca jugak kan ? just view camtuh jerr. n then, chauu. actually, aku buat blog neh,just utk luahkan perasaan. kalau lama aku x tls blog tuu makna nyerr,aku tls dalam diary aku. :) uhh. aku nak cerita pasal apa erkk ?
arhhh. aku tau. kelmarin, aku g jenjalan ngan Niesa. bestfren aku. :)
ktorg shopping wehh. c niesa neh nak bli baju . fuyohh,lama sungguh nak tunggu c niesa nak plih baju. isk3. lps tu, ktorg pg bli strap hp. niesa bli yg kapel nyerr..dia amik LO,aku amik VE. Law sambung jdnya LOVE ! :D hmm. aku rasa malas la nak cita lebih lanjut. penat tangan menulis. selebihnya aku cerita di dalam diary ku sahaja. :) itu saja yerr mlm nh,aku nak cauu,nak tido,ehhh...tak..tak..tak..aku masey nak online nihh. ! ;D
Thursday, December 23, 2010
MY 'MISSING' disease cameback !
aku punya 'penyakit'. penyakit rindu namanya. Rindu ? apa itu rindu ? tahukah anda ? hmm. org mempunyai perspektif berbeza tentang rindu. rindu dikatakan sebuah emosi apabila teringat sesuatu yang lama seperti kenangan silam tentang orang2 di sekeliling terutamanya orang tersayang. (menurut pendapat aku sendiri). Rata-rata kalian pasti pernah merasakan penyakit rindu ini bukan ? ya, aku juga merasakan perkara yang sama sekarang ini. aku sangat rindu. tersangat ! ubatnya ? sedih untuk aku berkata, namun, TIADA UBAT untuk penyakit ini ! aku merinduinya. tanpa dia mengetahui. lebih baik rahsia bukan. andai ianya terpecah,dipecah atau pecah, bukankah aku makin sengsara ? lebih baik aku pendamkan. kerana cinta tidak bermakna memiliki. bahagia apabila dia bahagia. aku tahu aku pasti merasa sengsara pada masa yang sama. namun, aku lebih suka andai dia bahagia. itu lebih baik bukan ? :) andai engkau mendengarku, aku katakan padamu, aku bahagia andai kau bahagia. :D
YESS babeh !
i'm using my accent.sorry if u can't understand ! :)
yeahh !aku suka. i passed with flying colours babe ! akhirnya tcapai juak impian aku mok dpt LG cookie 3g kohh. mak ku janji mun pat 9a bok brik. P, siktauk ehh. nya tuka pkiran. 8a pat juak ! p, lekak bukak skolah pdhnya. mun 9a tek,kinek2 meli. xpa2,asl ku dpt jak empon yha ! suka ehh ! aku g kpg madah nenek ku tdk. nangis2 jak nenek ku. mak ku pun nangis juak bah tdk. aku jak prass. haha. plek2. yess. ! tepon baru ! baibai tepon lamak. :D
yeahh !aku suka. i passed with flying colours babe ! akhirnya tcapai juak impian aku mok dpt LG cookie 3g kohh. mak ku janji mun pat 9a bok brik. P, siktauk ehh. nya tuka pkiran. 8a pat juak ! p, lekak bukak skolah pdhnya. mun 9a tek,kinek2 meli. xpa2,asl ku dpt jak empon yha ! suka ehh ! aku g kpg madah nenek ku tdk. nangis2 jak nenek ku. mak ku pun nangis juak bah tdk. aku jak prass. haha. plek2. yess. ! tepon baru ! baibai tepon lamak. :D
I GOT 8A & 1B for my exam results ! i'm one of the best students ! :) kekeke~ but i'm quite sad for my Arabic. i got B ! :(
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
it's just that FUCKIN'SUCKIN' me !
hey y' all there ! i'm not feeling really good today coz some people annoys & insult me. thank you very much guys. i didn't even interfere in u guys' problem .but, why do u guys keep interfering my business ? GOSH. this is ridiculous ! wth are u guys thinking about ? well, then, do u guys happy for annoying me ? accent: makseh bah. takrg hepi ka annoy aku ? mesti hepi nakk ? aku nak jaekk. sik kalak baett bahh. takrg nang baett. kdak malaikat. aku tok jaikk. nang patut k annoy ngan insult bahh. x plu la rasa bsalah ehh. aku suka gya. makaseh byk2. aku guro2 lak annoy jak aku. guro ku guro miak jaekk nak ? takrg alem bahh. sik layak aku kwn ngan takrg. jaekk ilak tekk. boh kwn ngan aku. jatoh maruah takrg lak nakk ? nma lahh miak jaek kdak aku tok. -.-' makseh byk2 lahh ngan takrg. aku ng sedap gilak hati tok ehh. suka aku dplh gyaa bahh. makseh ilak2. appreciate it very much !
Sunday, December 19, 2010
i dreamt about him AGAIN last night. it's so FREAKING HARD to forget him.i FED UP. can i ?uhh. hey2,my mom said she read my Diary when i still asleep ! GOSH !
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Hella ! opps ! sorry,inappropriate way to greet. hehee~ hello. well,well,well. it's kind of noisy tonight. people are going to the town to march for Christmas. i wonder, why the hell they did that earlier. my mom said,perhaps they don't want to do last minute. Yeah, I just watched Harry Potter & The sorcerer's stone n it had not finished yet. T.T .My father asked me to take care of my little sister because he is going to take my mom from the RH Hotel. she went for schoolmate reunion for her batch. gosh. it's way too long. dad said mom's going to be back at 11.30 p.m. -.-' it looks like i'd sleep late today. huhh~
btw, talking about Harry Potter. he's CUTEE when he was still a child. now, not really. harhar. so innocent and pure. :P and oliver wood is just cutee ! now, he's quite old i guess. woww ! i guess most UK guys are handsome, cute & gorgeous. + gentlemen. harhar.
now, i'm getting nervous. waiting for my lower secondary assessment's result. my mom promised to buy me LG Cookie 3G if i got straight A's for my result. GEEZ! i want that phone fuckingfreakingmuch babe ! uhh. i HOPE & PRAY that i'd get straight A's ! it's just 5 days left ! starting my countdown !
btw, talking about Harry Potter. he's CUTEE when he was still a child. now, not really. harhar. so innocent and pure. :P and oliver wood is just cutee ! now, he's quite old i guess. woww ! i guess most UK guys are handsome, cute & gorgeous. + gentlemen. harhar.
now, i'm getting nervous. waiting for my lower secondary assessment's result. my mom promised to buy me LG Cookie 3G if i got straight A's for my result. GEEZ! i want that phone fuckingfreakingmuch babe ! uhh. i HOPE & PRAY that i'd get straight A's ! it's just 5 days left ! starting my countdown !
Friday, December 17, 2010
Attractive. :)
i LIKE photography. but, i don't have that photographer camera ! wished to own one !
that's all for tonight ! i've finished all my ideas and my brain is 'dry' now ! need to get some sleep ! Lots of love,
-.-' Sad, Frustrated . Huhh~
uhh. aku frust sangat hari nih. terlepas macam2. firstly, aku terlepas MUBANK. bangang la aku !2ndly, i'm kind of jealous. OMG. what i'm thinking about ?! no .no. no. i shouldn't think about him again ! FULLSTOP ! gosh.pleaseee. 3rdly, i feel a bit emo today. everytime i see the MUSIC BOX , i REALLY wished that someone special would give me that !Plus, my Mom told me, she always get those from her boyfriends. Jealous ! Jealous ! Jealous !
uhh.Gosh. life without someone special is just suck !
but, what can I do, mom keep saying, 'study first dear.i'm pretty sure that A LOT of guys will wait for you out there.'
and i just nod my head. but my heart say other things. uh-oh.
my heart said 'uhh. i'm getting a boyfriend for experience mom. i want to try & feel it.'
psssssssst : don't tell my mom ! or else, i'll die !*.*

How SWEET !!!!!!!!!!!!
uhh.Gosh. life without someone special is just suck !
but, what can I do, mom keep saying, 'study first dear.i'm pretty sure that A LOT of guys will wait for you out there.'
and i just nod my head. but my heart say other things. uh-oh.
my heart said 'uhh. i'm getting a boyfriend for experience mom. i want to try & feel it.'
psssssssst : don't tell my mom ! or else, i'll die !*.*
How SWEET !!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Guess what ? nothing actually. i just wished if i live in UK. there's nothing much here. guys ? all the handsome ones had been taken by beautiful & gorgeous girl & women. i'm pretty jealous of them. huh~ i'm not that gorgeous .-.-' but, i LOVE myself ohkay ? uhh. envy my best friends, Reen and Niesa. they both got a handsome boyfriend. -.-' mine ? no, i don't have one ! harhar. *shouldn't laugh. i'm weirdos. aha. sorry,but that's who i am. :D*
uhh. i wish if i had a GORGEOUSSEXYSLIMBEAUTIFUL body like Yoon A from SNSD. but, it's just a dream. i'm still on my way to it. working outs, making abs. on my way. aha. now, i'm much slimmer than before. i'm such a BIGFATLOSER when i'm 13. nobody likes me. that's when i lose my self-esteem. well, we might love ourself,but we need to change some for good, right ? well, that's all for tonight. :) GOODNIGHT & precious LOVE from me.
Guy: Hun, u are my number one !
Girl: Really ? ohh. who's your number two then ? or perhaps three or four ?
Guy: ..........*DEEPLY THINKING*(*gosh, i'm BUSTED !)
Girl: serves u right ! let's breakup !
Guy: ........*oh my. I lose 10 women just bcoz of my word just now *-.-'
this things are always happening now in our world. if there's number one, there's always number two or three or four & etc.
Girl: Really ? ohh. who's your number two then ? or perhaps three or four ?
Guy: ..........*DEEPLY THINKING*(*gosh, i'm BUSTED !)
Girl: serves u right ! let's breakup !
Guy: ........*oh my. I lose 10 women just bcoz of my word just now *-.-'
this things are always happening now in our world. if there's number one, there's always number two or three or four & etc.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
uhhh. i hate you dear !
u know why i hate you dear ?
it's bcoz i love you !
u know why i dream about you every single nyte ?
it's bcoz i miss u.
it hurts when u did this. everytime. i'm hurt.
pls,don't keep doing this to me !
pieces of my broken heart,pls fix it ?
i tried to fix it. but, i can't.only u who can fix this. u had the magic. u had my heart.
plss ,fix it for me would u ?:'(
dikarang oleh
shhh. shhh. GO A-WAY !
FUHH. mlm tadik ng aku ngigo best2 jak.
rindok ati bah. aku ngigo pat result pmr. nebes2.
dah gik nya rah sblh aku. tba2 jak. paloi aee. n then, kua la result. tauk sik bpa aku dpt ? 10 A!
ngek. sak jak subjek mekurg 9 jak. lebih2. :P n then tba2 jak aku join dak miak taekwondo training. kwnku reen gik bmesra ngn *************** cya. haha. plek2,sak aku kadet polis bah. tangada msk taekwondo. suma mimpi ku aneh2 mlm tek. p, aku suk coz. tooooooot. aku sekpat pdh. harhar.:D p, bkn nok ya okeh. aku x kedak yaa.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
uh-oh ! what ??
yeahh. this is me ! :D hideous isn't it ?
i know,i know. :)
i'm being emo these days. yeah. and love to watch love stories.
i'm jealous of GEORGIA !
she's such a lucky girl for that age. envy her very much !
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