assalamualaikum dan selamat malam para bloggers. :) akhirnya, exam yg memenatkan aku berakhir tepat jam 1.20 hari ni. MERDEKA yerrrr ~ outing 29.10.2011. :) ngehehe.
nampak tajuk entry kali ni tak ? Ulzzang, derived from korean word, which means best face. macam aku. nguahahaha ~ okay. so, ulzzang ni, byk terdapat di Korea,well because kan korean discovers it first.
so, when i say dorg ni memang best face, seriously, they're totally cute and hengsemmm la sgt. so, not all people can be an ulzzang nih. me ? tak sgt. kulit byk makhluk merah2, lepas tu hidung tak mancung, pipi lak tersorong2. kekeke~ characteristics seseorg ulzzang mestilah ada wajah yang semestinya cantik,kiutt & hengggsemmm gila. lepastu, wajah yg memang licin and halus. takder sorg pun makhluk merah2 or hitam berani bertapak. gehehe~ hidung yang mancung,stylo. rasa rasanya, tu je la characteristic nyaaa. so, kalau korang baru berkenalan dgn ulzzang2 ni, trust me, dorg setaraf or even cuter than korean yg biasa kita tgk dlm tv. okay, wanna check out some of them ? aku tak dpt nak letak byk2,coz dorg ada byk sgt,well, baru kat korea. imagine if the entire asia got ulzzangs, i would faint. -.-'
nahh, the first one, Ho Jun Yeon. pengsan takk ? :) aku dah melting noww.
next one, Lee Chi Hoon. Cool tak ?
how about this one, Park Tae Jun . he's handsomee aite ? :D
okayyy. now, i tell ya this, korang jgn shock tauuu. now guess, is this he or she ?
answer iss.... it's a she. shocked ? she's a tomboy ulzzang. really looks like a guy aite ?
next one, is a real girl. comeyy tak ? jeless tauuu. :)
ohh. noo. aku tak dpt upload pic dia. :( no worries u guys.
korang bukak la Mr. Google and the type 'JUNG HYE WON'. and kalau nak tahu lebih lanjut pasal ulzzang, GOOGLE KAN LA ! :D
so, apa pendapat or conclusion korang tentang ulzzang ? dah jatuh cinta tak ? :)
okay, before aku mengundur diri,aku nak bagi hadiah kat diri sendiri. ehh. korang la jugak. haa. kpop artist pun pandai buat gaya ulzzang. gaya2 manja2 gini, namanya aegyo. akan aku share kat korg lain hari. :)
that's all bloggers. ciaoo ~ :D
p/s: blogwalkers, follow me and i will follow u back. sila tinggalkan tapak kaki anda kat shoutbox okayy. :)