Beep beep. Ceeh. Cliche betul. uhm. /clears throat/ haaa. Okay kawan kawan sekalian. teehee. Agak awkward rasanya setelah tidak menulis entry untuk sekian lama. Tapi ku gagahkan jua diri ini untuk menulis satu entry baru. hahaha. So, a lot of things has been happening to me lately and some of it are good and of course,would be bad things as well. It's like a payback something haha. Well. So,where am I studying as of for now? Curious? No? Well,okay. I am still going to tell you peeps. I am now and currently studying in UPSI which stands for Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris. It's in Perak,in case if you guys did not acknowledge it. How's life has been in UPSI? well well, I should say it's been great for now since I found quite a lot of peeps and I shall say TESLians ROCKS!
Seee seeeee how crazy and random and omg I just love them peeps ! hahaha. We just met but it feels like we've known each other since fetus years. yeahoo. lmao !
Nah, my roommate and housemates are awesome too okay.
mereka mereka ini cantik2 belaka. hahaha yas sila jeles. okno. me,madi,ana and su. haha housemates comey giteww. okay. so erm erm. nak cita apa lagi eh ? cukup la kan ? till next time la. haha. if and only if jari jari kementot ku ini rajin hendak menaip then adalah news kan. hihihi. till next time. ciao bebes /lambai tangan macam princess gitew/