Sunday, July 15, 2012

A Wonderful Moment

Assalamualaikum bloggahhh. umm. aku tahu dah pagi, pembetulan, awal pagi, pembetulan lagi, pagi buta. haha. okay, gila. -.-' so, hari ni , i attended umm, March Unity 2012, whereby, they organised a short film competition and 3 of them were selected to the, I went to RH Hotel, they were going to let viewers to cast a vote on who should win. They were three films; Rojak, High School Life and Si Kucing. it was great and i obtained some valuable experience and ya, met some other races and religions. well, that's what the purpose actually, i guess. because it was all about Smile Unity. so, this non -profit organisation seems interesting to me. yeah. :) guess that's all. i'm feeling sleepy and i gues i've made so much iBags to be sold tomorrow. wanna buy ? special price. haha. *kay slap with guitar* kbyeee !


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